Launched: Make a any time, for any amount

Monday, June 22, 2009 | 1:50 PM

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We recently launched an easy-to-use feature that offers our TV advertisers more control over the timing and amount of account payments. It gives credit card and direct debit customers more flexibility by providing them with an option to make an immediate payment at any time.

In the past, advertisers have used "threshold billing" to pay online for their Google TV Ads campaigns. Under threshold billing, customers are automatically charged whenever the accrued balance reaches a specified amount, or at the end of the month, whichever comes first.

Now, payments can be made at any time, with any credit card or direct debit account previously defined in the system, and for any amount starting from $10. Payments can be made to partially pay an existing balance, pay off a balance in entirety, or pay more than the outstanding balance to carry a credit balance and delay the next automatic charge. When a payment is made, the new balance is shown on the system immediately. This feature is also useful if your credit card on file is declined for any reason and your ads become at risk of not airing; simply use Make a Payment to issue a payment with a different card to ensure no pause in your account activity.

Check out the video below for more details on how this works:

Our goal with this new feature is to simplify the billing experience for our advertisers and give them more control over the timing and amount of payments made.

Posted by Gil Arditi, Product Manager for Google TV Ads