Traditional Media Mix and Match

Friday, July 11, 2008 | 11:56 AM

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In a world where consumer touch points are multiplying rapidly, an integrated media plan is increasingly important to driving positive results. How can you utlize different mediums most effectively?

With Google TV Ads, Audio Ads, and Print Ads we're simplifying the process and making it easier for advertisers to reach consumers with an optimal media mix - whether they're listening to their favorite radio talk show on the way to work, relaxing with the Sunday paper or watching the evening news. We've designed our traditional media platforms to focus on efficiency, measurement, and flexibility. Here are a few examples of how advertisers have used these platforms to build and manage successful advertising campaigns.

When GolfNow, an online portal that connects golfers to available tee times, expanded nationally, they utilized a combination of both Google Audio Ads and Print Ads in different markets. They quickly discovered that using radio and print ads together drove dramatic results. In Phoenix, Arizona where they simultaneously ran ads across both mediums, branded keyword search surged by 200%. Check out the video below for more details on how GolfNow developed their optimal media mix using Google's traditional media products.

Similarly, The Hanley Center, a leading residential treatment program for chemical dependency, used Google TV Ads to create their first- ever national television advertising campaign. They saw a huge lift in calls and brochure requests, and were able to identify which regional markets were especially responsive. The Hanley Center then used Google Audio Ads to heavy up exposure in these markets. In markets where both Google TV Ads and Google Audio ads were used, brochure requests increased by an incredible 40%. To learn more about how they achieved these results, watch the video below.

Keep these examples in mind when you are experimenting with your own mix of print, television and radio advertising. Google can help you find the right combination.

Posted by Kenton Kivestu, Product Specialist for Google TV Ads

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